Going Live with an Omni-Channel Where to Buy

Once you've created your Omni-Channel WTB (guide found here), in order to go live you will need to implement your installation script. Follow the guide below.

Accessing your WTB installation script

Installing the WTB Script

Installing a Product Widget with Dynamic UPCs

Accessing your WTB installation script

There are two ways to access you WTB install script:

1. Access within the Omni-Channel Where to Buy Dashboard

Navigate to the 'Where to Buy Builder' tab in the Omni-Channel WTB dashboard


Select the ellipsis icon on the WTB row


Select the Installation Script link


The Installation Script modal will open-up and you can simply select the 'COPY CODE' button to copy the script to your clipboard


2. Access within the lets.shop WTB demo link 


Once viewing the modal, you can simply select the 'COPY CODE' button to copy the script to your clipboard

Installing the WTB Script

Once you have your installation script, the person who manages your site will need to install that code snippet on the page where you would like the WTB to load. See an example of what that could look like here:

For Product Locators, no additional steps are need, but if installing a Product Widget, please continue below.

Installing a Product Widget with Dynamic UPCs

Because Product Widgets are made to have specific products loaded into view, versus the Locator including the entire product catalog, an additional implementation step is needed. Once you have the installation script you will also need to dynamically call which UPCs to load within the widget, which is usually dependent on the product detail page it's viewed on. This can be done two different ways.

1. Insert the UPC(s) via the installation script

Within the installation, there is an attribute that allows you to pass the UPC(s) directly within the script


See an example of this being done within this demo install script


Note: Multiple UPCs can be comma delimited, and the values need to match with what Destini has in their system.

2. Pass the UPC(s) via a URL Parameter

An alternative option is to pass the URL(s) through a URL parameter, ?APO=

See an example of this being done within this demo URL


Note: Multiple UPCs can be comma delimited, and the values need to match with what Destini has in their system.

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