Understanding Omni-Channel Where to Buy Reporting

Access Where to Buy Reporting

Navigate to the Where to Buy Dashboard, and select 'Reports'



Omni-Channel Where to Buy Reporting Metrics

Online Report

TOTAL VISITORS = Total number of unique visits to the store locator page
# OF ONLINE RETAILERS = Total Number of Online Retailers showing product availability
ONLINE SUCCESSFUL SEARCHES = A "successful" search is when results are found after a consumer searches by location
ONLINE UNSUCCESSFUL SEARCHES = An "unsuccessful" search is when no results are found after a consumer searches by location
RETAILER CLICKS = Total number of times retailers were clicked on by consumers
PRODUCT CLICKS = Total number of times products were clicked on by consumers 
Note: This metric will be higher for Product First templates, as consumers are prompted to select products before searching
CHECKOUT CLICKS = Total number of times a consumer selected a retailer to checkout
Note: This metric will be NOT be captured when a product is out of stock, but selects "view" to navigate to the retailer
CHECKOUT CTR = % of times a consumer clicked on a retailer to check out when presented with a retailer list [(Checkout Clicks / Retailer Impressions) * 100]
PURCHASE INTENT = Checkout Clicks * Price of Product at the retailer
SALES SUPPORTED RETAILER = Number of sales supported retailers that Destini has received sales data from
SALES CONVERSION RATE = % of times a consumer made a confirmed purchase after navigating to one of Destini's sales supported retailers
ATTRIBUTED TRANSACTIONS = Number of times consumers made a confirmed purchase at one of Destini's sales supported retailers
ATTRIBUTED SALES REVENUE = Total dollar sales resulting from a consumer making a confirmed purchase at one of Destini's sales supported retailers
RETAILER IMPRESSIONS = Number of times a Retailer was viewed on a consumer's screen
RETAILER LIST CTR = % of times a consumer clicked on a retailer when presented with a retailer list [(Retailer Clicks / Retailer Impressions) * 100]
PRODUCT LIST CTR = % times a consumer clicked through on a product in a product list [(Product Clicks / Product Impressions) * 100]

In-Store Report

TOTAL VISITORS = Total number of unique visits to the store locator page

IN-STORE SUCCESSFUL SEARCHES = A "successful" search is when results are found after a consumer searches by location
IN-STORE UNSUCCESSFUL SEARCHES = An "unsuccessful" search is when no results are found after a consumer searches by location
PRODUCT CLICKS = Number of times products were clicked on by consumers
STORE DETAIL CLICKS = Number of times a consumer clicks a brick and mortar store to expand details about where to buy products
PRODUCT IMPRESSIONS = Number of times a product within the product list was viewed in screen by a consumer
PRODUCT LIST CTR = % times a consumer clicked through on a product in a product list [(Product Clicks / Product Impressions) * 100]

Destini Sales Reporting

Supported Retailers

  • Amazon
  • Amazon Fresh
  • Whole Foods
  • Target

Sales Data Refresh

Walmart - Every 24 hours

Target - Every 24 hours

Amazon, Amazon Fresh, Whole Foods - Every week


Cookies for Sales Attribution

How do the links work to capture your sales? Well, when a user clicks to checkout at a sales supported retailer, their internet browser receives a “cookie,” which is a file that stores various kinds of browsing data. A cookie is stored on their computer for a varying amount of time (depending on the retailer), though the average lifespan of a cookie is 30 days (Amazon, Amazon Fresh, and Whole Foods, a consumer must check out with the branded product within 24 hours to capture the sale - While for Target, a consumer must checkout within 7 days)

If during the life of that cookie, the user also makes a purchase from that site, your brand will capture a confirmed sale. But note also that cookies work on a last-click model, meaning that the link most recently clicked by a user will be the link/cookie that gets the credit.

We suggest using Sales Reporting with caution when making business decisions, and typically steer clients to use Purchase Intent (Checkout Clicks * Product Price) instead.



Where to Buy Reporting Data Publish Frequency

Where to Buy Reporting data refreshes every 24 hours


Where to Buy Reporting Historical Retention

Where to Buy Reporting data is available for 2 years


Where to Buy Performance Improvement

Improve Checkout CTR

  • Ensure retailer availability for the branded products 
  • Consider hiding out of stock products in WTB settings - this will "hide" retailers that sell the branded products but have no products in stock

Improve Product List CTR or Product Clicks

  • Utilize Product First template and Category selection to make navigating products easier for the consumers
  • Products listed on the first page of product selection will have the most impressions, since they will appear on initial page load
  • Using Results First Template will drop Product Clicks and Product List CTR as a result

Low Store Detail Clicks

  • Store Detail Clicks is a new metric to help capture engagement for Brick and Mortar results, however, consumers will not always need to expand the store to view Directions if they already know where the store is located

Improve Retailer List CTR

  • Retailer List CTR is intended to capture consumer retailer preference when shopping for branded products. If Retailer List CTR is low, that either means the product(s) are not in stock at that retailer (when showing Out of Stock results) or the consumer just doesn't prefer checking out at that retailer
    • If Retailer List CTR is low, consider hiding out of stock products in WTB settings - this will "hide" retailers that sell the branded products but have no products in stock


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