Editing Products

To edit a product, click on its row in the All Products page.

The following options are visible on the Edit Product page:

  • Product UPC/SKU: This is (almost always) the product UPC. This value is not editable. If you need to change it, you can set the product to inactive and create a new one.
  • Product Name: The product name. This is usually visible to your customers, so make sure it is understandable to the layperson.
  • Product Description (optional): If you have product description enabled, you can edit that here.
  • Subcategory: Choose an option from the dropdown.  If you'd like to add a new Subcategory you can do so from the Products -> Sub-Categories menu.
  • Product Image: Upload a new product image here. For some locators, product images on the front-end are connected to sub-categories or categories, not individual products. Tip: download the existing image to use when sizing the new image in an image editing tool like Photoshop.
  • Status: Toggle product status from active to inactive with a click. Products must be active to be included in product searches.
  • Tags (optional): If your locator uses Tags, you must tag a product to have it visible on the front-end. Start typing a tag to see a dropdown of available tags, or create a new tag by typing it in and saving.

If the Product Still Isn't Showing Up

If you do not see your product on the locator after making it active and clearing your browser cache, please contact Support. Your locator may have a custom front-end configuration that requires additional steps by us.

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