Creating a Shoppable Landing Page


This article will teach you how to create your first Shoppable Landing Page. Please make sure to download the onboarding document attached at the bottom of the article. 


Getting Started: Click "Create Landing Page"



Step 1: Enter Campaign Details


This is the internally assigned name of the campaign, and will be used to distinguish from other campaigns in reporting. 

Market URL

This is what gets added to the tail-end of the shoppable landing page URL. For example, if you enter "awesome-barz" this would render at the end of your public URL, i.e.

Campaign Start Date

This will be the start date in which your dashboard begins generating reporting. This allows your team to preview the page without triggering any undesired 'test click' data in the reporting. 

Alcohol Checkbox

If you are including products that contain alcohol, check this box. When checked, consumers will be prompted to confirm that they are 21 & older before shopping the page.


Step 2: Select Products

Selecting Products

To include a product in the campaign, check the box next to the UPC as shown below.


Editing Existing Products

To edit an existing product, click the 'Edit' icon on the right-hand side of the product selection row.

Adding New Products

To add a new product, click the 'Add New Product' button and enter:

  • GTIN (EAN13 format)
  • Product Name
  • Thumbnail Image

Please note that you will only be able to save the product if all of these fields are correctly populated and the GTIN has been validated.

Set Product Display Order

To determine the order that the products will appear on the landing page, drag & drop each product to its desired order. 


Step 3: Select Retailers

Selecting Retailers

To include one or more retailers within a campaign, check the box with the desired retailer logo as shown below. 


Set Retailer Display Order

To determine the order that the retailers will appear on the landing page, drag & drop each retailer to its desired order. 

Enabling "Add-to-Cart" (Premium)

"Add-to-Cart" is a direct-to-checkout experience that allows consumers to build a basket of multiple products via the Shoppable Landing Page. In this experience, the consumer will bypass the product detail page and be prompted to checkout upon redirect. 




Note: Some retailers do not support "Add-to-Cart" sales tracking. If getting visibility on confirmed sales via checkout is an important campaign metric, we do not recommend enabling this functionality. 


Step 4: Product Retailer Links

Managing Product Retailer Links

After selecting products and retailers, you can preview URL coverage for the campaign and add any missing URLs before campaign launch.  


Note: It can take up to 48 hours for a new or edited URL to be scraped by our bots and appear within the landing page.


Step 5: Style Landing Page


Browser Tab Name

This is what will appear on the consumer's browser when they load the landing page. By default, it will say "Lets.Shop" but we encourage you to replace it with promotional brand copy.

Landing Page Copy

This is the sales messaging that will appear on the landing page header. While we do not yet support custom fonts or font sizes, you are able to change the color value of font.


Please download the following attachment: Destini_ConversionPro_OnePager.pdf to review creative specs for the landing. This document should be provided to whoever will be designing the creative image assets for your Landing Pages. 

Button Styling

Buy Now

Style the font and background color of the 'Buy Now' button. In addition, you can change the call-to-action text from "Buy Now" to any preferred call-to-action text.

Continue to Checkout (Add-to-Cart only)

Style the font and background color of the 'Continue to Checkout' button


Control whether the button is a pill (default), rectangular or rounded.

Scripts (Premium)

You can add retargeting pixels including Facebook's tracking pixel to any of your landing pages.

Below is an example of what to paste into the landing page with the only remaining step being to enter your Facebook pixel ID. 

Note: At this time, we only support the firing of pixels on page load and do not yet support track events.

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->








s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',


fbq('init', '{your-pixel-id-goes-here}');

fbq('track', 'PageView');


<noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"



<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

That's it! Now you are ready to publish your landing page :) 

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