Measures Guide


Point of Distribution (POD)


A Point of Distribution is an item sold at a store. We calculate this number by looking at the item and store selection criteria and then summing the total count of that/those item(s) at those stores during a specified time period. For example, if someone selects "last 12 weeks", the POD would show the total count of items sold at the stores you selected during those twelve weeks.

  • We can view POD by Account, Items, Stores, Item Groups, or Store Groups.


sum([ count of items which match the item selection criteria and were sold at the individual store during the selected and focused period]) for the stores within the store selection criteria 


Distribution Gains


Distribution Gains is meant to illustrate how much is gained in a period compared to a period of the same length prior. If we compare the Points of Distribution for the current four weeks against the Points of Distribution from the four weeks prior, the difference will give us Distribution Gains. 

  • We can look at the DOG by Item, Store, Account, Item Group, or Store Group.


sum(Points of Distribution of the currently selected and focused period which meet the item selection criteria and store selection criteria) - sum(Points of Distribution of the period of the same length immediately preceding the currently selected and focused period which meet the item selection criteria and store selection criteria)


Total Brand Sales (TBS)


The total sales in dollars for this brand across all available retailers in the measured period, where the items, retailers and other information match the current filters.

  • We can see the TBS by Week, Item, Store, Account, Item Group, or Store Group.


SUM(<all sales, including negative dollar sales, for the brand across all retailers where the item, retailers, and other data match the current filters>)


Total Brand Units Sold (TBU)


The total number of units sold by this brand for all available retailers.

  • We can see the TBU by Week, Item, Store, Account, Item Group, or Store Group.


SUM(<all unit sales, for the brand across all available retailers>)


Stores Selling


This is the unique number of stores selling the item or items selected for a specified time period.

  • We can see Stores Selling by Week, Item, Store, Account, Item Group, or Store Group.


sum(<all stores which match the filter criteria selling the item(s) in that filter for the measured period>)


Units per Store Selling per Week


This is the average number of units sold per store per week. This figure will take into account the item(s), store(s), and time period selected.


sum(<all units sold at all stores in the measured period where both units and stores meet the filter requirements>) / count(<all stores where units were sold where both the units and stores meet the filter requirements>) / count(<weeks which are included in the measured period>)


Dollar Opportunity Gap (DOG)


This is the total dollar value calculated by comparing the items carried at a specific store vs. all the items carried at that retailer. We calculate how much money could be made if you were to sell all items carried by that retailer at all the stores for that retailer. 

  • We can look at the DOG by Item, Store, Account, Item Group, or Store Group.


(Algorithm) - Gather a list of all voids, find the Units Sold per Store per Week for the UPC, find the average retail price for the UPC. sum(<void as 1 * units sold per store per week * average retail price>) for all voids in the list.


Distribution Voids


The total count of products missing from a store(s) where it has not registered a scan in the current timeframe but is available at other store(s) of the same retailer.

  • We can see Distribution Voids by US State, Item, Store, or Account.


(Algorithm) - Gather a list of all products sold at the retailer in the preceding period. Gather a list of all products sold at the store in the current period. sum(<total of UPCs not found in the current period but were found in the preceding period>)


Distribution Kept (Green)


Items that were sold in a store(s) in the previous period that are still sold at the same store(s) this period.


Distribution Filled (Purple)


Item(s) that registered a scan this period where we did not see one in the previous period. 


Distribution Lost (Peach)


Items that were being sold in a store(s) in the previous period but are no longer carried by that store(s) in the current period.


Distribution Void (Red)


Items that have never registered a scan in that store.


Item Count


The total number of items associated with a Signals account.


Store Count


The total number of stores (stores, rather than retailer accounts) associated with a brand


Store Sales Share


The Store Sales Share shows the brand's share of items within a particularAccount or Store Group. 


(sales of the brand in these stores only) / (total sales for the brand)


Potential Stores


The total count of stores regardless of whether or not the brand sells there.


sum(<all stores belonging to a retailer in the current period>)


Percentage of Stores Selling


This is the percentage of stores selling the brand across all retailers.


Stores selling / Total stores


Account Name


Name of account or retailer.


Store Group Name


The user can save a collection of stores as a Store Group and pull data for those included. This can be useful when tracking campaigns and trends, for presentations, when creating comparisons, etc.


Item Group Name


The user can save a collection of items as an Item Group and pull data for those included. This can be useful when tracking campaigns and trends, for presentations, when creating comparisons, etc.


Store Name


The name of the store which includes the store address.




Total dollar sales across all available retailers, or based on any active filters. $ Change compares against YAGO.




Total unit sales across all available retailers, or based on any active filters. Units Change compares against YAGO.


UPC (Universal Product Code)


The UPC is a barcode symbology that is widely used in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries for tracking trade items in stores. Each product has its own UPC code and is a primary factor in how we track data.


Average Retail Price (ARP)


The calculated average price of a specific product. 


Sum(Dollars) / Sum(Units)


Sales Rank


Sales Rank is based on Dollars with the highest total sales labeled as 1 and the lowest labeled as the other end. No two accounts can share the same rank (each account will have a unique rank). If the total dollar sales is less than $1 then it will not have a rank and will not be displayed on the Voids Page.


Percent Change


The change in the measure value as shown in the form of a percentage when compared for current period to like period. Green signifies an increase, while red signifies a decrease.


((value(<measure in current period>) / value(<measure in like period>)) - 1) * 100 


Gains/Losses Heat Map


A map that can be found on multiple pages of the Signals tool that break the US up by State and uses a color coding system to illustrate sales trends, depending on the listed criteria. Shades of blue indicated positive growth and grow more positive the darker the gradient. Red shows losses.



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