Understanding Shoppable Landing Page Reporting

Access Shoppable Landing Page Reporting

  1. Navigate to the Shoppable Landing Page Dashboard
  2. Click a campaign to view the report


Shoppable Landing Page Metrics

TOTAL VIEWS = Total number of visits to the landing page
RETAILER CLICKS = Total number of times retailers were clicked on by consumers
ADD-TO-CART CLICKS = Total number of times a consumer clicks "Add to Cart" 
Note: This metric will only be captured for Add to Cart Campaigns
CHECKOUT CLICKS = Total number of times a consumer selects "Continue to Checkout"
Note: This metric will only be captured for Add to Cart Campaigns
BUY NOW CLICKS = Total number of times a consumer clicks "Buy Now"
Note: This metric will only be captured for Buy Now Campaigns
PRODUCT CLICKS = Total number of times products were clicked on by consumers
Note: This is calculated by Add to Cart Clicks + Buy Now Clicks to ensure we calculate Click Through Rate and Purchase Intent the same way for each campaign type
PURCHASE INTENT = Product Clicks * Price of the Product at the Retailer
OVERALL CTR = [(Product Clicks / Total Views)] * 100
PRODUCT VIEWS = Number of times a product appears on the screen of the consumer


Shoppable Landing Page Reporting Data Publish Frequency

Shoppable Landing Page Reporting data refreshes every 24 hours


Shoppable Landing Page Reporting Historical Retention

Shoppable Landing Page Reporting data is available for 2 years


Shoppable Landing Page Performance Improvement

Improve Click Through Rate

  • Ensure retailer availability for the branded products 
  • Consider hiding out of stock products in SLP settings - this will "hide" retailers that sell the branded products but have no products in stock

Improve Product Clicks

  • Limit the amount of products included in the campaign and ensure products selected are preferred for your target consumer
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